Postgraduate Education
Residency in Internal Medicine
The Animal Medical Center’s Small Animal Internal Medicine Residency Program offers residency training in a busy and diversified clinical program. This 3-year program provides the resident with the opportunity to work closely with senior board-certified veterinarians who have specific interests in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, neurology, interventional radiology, nephrology, urology, endocrinology, oncology, hematology, and respiratory medicine. During the first year of training, the resident rotates among several specialty services. The second and third year of training allow the resident time to focus more specifically in areas of interest within internal medicine.
The Internal Medicine Residency is demanding and residents are expected to work long hours. It is expected that the resident will execute a research project and publish at least one scientific manuscript during the residency.
The Internal Medicine Residency is directly supported by ten board-certified internists, plus 42 additional staff and associate veterinarians. Board-certified veterinarians at The AMC include specialists in Avian Medicine, Cardiology, Dentistry, Emergency and Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, and Surgery. The successful applicant will join a house staff of 43 interns and residents training in cardiology, emergency/critical care, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, pathology, and surgery.
Program Opportunities
An emphasis is placed on clinical activities and dynamic clinical rounds with experienced veterinary staff supervising case discussion. Other features of the residency program are the numerous lectures, conferences and rounds with staff. Time is provided to prepare for American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) examinations.
The Animal Medical Center is fortunate to have state-of-the-art equipment, including a newly installed linear accelerator and a 1.5 tesla MRI. The hospital also features a fourth-generation CT scanner, 2D ultrasonography machine, color-flow Doppler unit, video-endoscopy, laparoscopy, and arthroscopy equipment. The fully equipped intensive care unit features multiple blood pressure units, pulse oximetry, thromboelastography, 2 ventilators, a blood gas analyzer, dry chemistry unit and coagulation monitoring equipment. There is a radiology suite with a fluoroscopy unit and a fully equipped interventional radiology suite. Images are available digitally via the hospital’s PACS system. Hemodialysis is routinely performed in a dedicated dialysis suite and continuous renal replacement therapy is performed in the intensive care unit. The AMC has on-site, full-service anatomical and clinical pathology laboratories.
Additional Details
The AMC Internal Medicine residency is an ACVIM-conforming residency. Appointment to the second and third years of the residency is dependent upon successful completion of the previous year, as approved by the staff. Following completion of the internal medicine residency, the candidate will be eligible to submit credentials to the Specialty of Internal Medicine, American College of Internal Medicine. The majority of individuals who have completed AMC residency training have gone on to Diplomate status in the ACVIM.
The Animal Medical Center owns an apartment complex to serve the housing needs of the house officers with very nice apartments available at below-market rates. The Animal Medical Center provides health and professional liability insurance; a total of 10 days of paid time off per year for sick, personal and vacation time; and additional study time to prepare for certification examination study time. Current New York State and DEA licenses are required prior to starting the residency.
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