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Monday, July 13th -
Friday, July 17th

AMC Vet Camp: Online!

Composite image of veterinarians at work

AMC Vet Camp: Online!

The Usdan Institute for Animal Health Education hosted it’s first ever online children’s summer program. In this week-long experience, children had the chance to meet real veterinarians while learning how they care for animals. Each day focused on a new topic and included a fun activity children could do right in their own home!

This free program was held on July 13-17, 2020 from 11:00am – 12:30pm for children ages 8-10 and was hosted via Zoom (https://zoom.us/). The at-home activities required common arts & craft materials.

For any questions, please email us at UsdanInstitute@amcny.org



Vet Camp Photos

  • Child playing with her cat using feather cat toy made during camp
  • Children cutting strips of fabric to make into a dog rope toy
  • Child posing with x-ray made using household craft materials
  • Bird made from using household craft materials