The AMC Holiday Gift List

The AMC Holiday Gift List
At The AMC we know how much animals enrich our daily lives. This holiday season, we have prepared a list of wonderful gifts for all the pets and pet lovers in your life.
Gifts for Pets Microchip: When it comes to giving your pet a holiday gift, good things really do come in small packages. A microchip is only the size of a grain of rice, yet contains enough information to send your beloved back to you if you should accidentally get separated. Your veterinarian can implant a microchip in minutes.
Chew Toys: Toys are always a popular holiday gift. If you are selecting a chew toy for a dog, be sure to pick a tooth-safe chew toy such as a Kong®.
A nifty price conscious cat toy is the virtually indestructible Cat Dancer® which provides hours of entertainment for your cat.
Seat belt: A safer trip to Grandma’s includes the addition of a doggie seat belt for your four-legged back seat driver. They are easy to use and available at stores from Petsmart to Orvis. Here’s one on-line at:
Pet insurance: For a gift that keeps on giving, pet insurance is one that pleases both the pet and the pet owner. With rising costs of veterinary care, pet insurance can help take the bite out of routine and specialty care. Just make sure you read the fine print when choosing the policy that’s the best fit for your pet.
Grooming: Pamper your pooch or fluff your feline by getting them a gift certificate to their favorite grooming parlor. A warm bath and a hair cut will perk up any pup.
Pheromones: Too many holiday guests? Help pets cope with the “holiday blues” with Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP)® spray or a Feliway® diffuser. Available from various web sites.
Gifts for Humans Books: The Complete Dog Book for Kids, by the American Kennel Club
The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health, Home Edition. Available in the pet section of your favorite bookstore.
Pet Hair Remover: Having a party? Use Scotch brand Fur Fighter™ to remove the hair from your furniture instead of having it stick to your guests’ clothes.
Cookbook: For the epicurean pet lover, try the Pet Treat Kitty Cookbook or Pet Treat Cookbook Doggy Bone Cookbook. Just remember no more than 10% of your pets daily calories should come from snacks.
Gifts to Help The Animal Medical Center Give to your favorite pet charity, just by shopping. Do your holiday shopping on and list The Animal Medical Center as your charity. View The AMC wishlist.
Toast the New Year with a bottle of Syrah from Lieb Family Cellars. Twenty percent of the proceeds from its sale benefits The Animal Medical Center.
Please note: The use of product names and websites within this post is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by The Animal Medical Center of any product or service.