Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Vaccine Clinic
First Vaccine: Saturday, November 27, 2021
Booster: Saturday, December 18, 2021
Schedule by Email
Email ExoticsCoordinator@amcny.org
Please include “Rabbit Vaccine” in the subject line
Schedule by Phone
Call 212-329-8084, 9am-5pm, Tuesday-Saturday
Ask to speak with the Exotics Service Coordinator
The Schwarzman Animal Medical Center will be providing a vaccine clinic for rabbits owned by current AMC clients for rabbit hemorrhagic disease stereotype 2 (RHDV2) virus. This highly contagious virus causes a rapidly fatal disease in both pet and wild rabbits. The virus is widespread in Europe and was detected in rabbits in the US in early 2020. Since then, the virus has spread rapidly across many Western and Midwestern states and has been confirmed in New York State. The virus is not contagious to people or animals other than rabbits. The virus is shed in secretions from infected rabbits and is spread by direct contact, insects, or contaminated surfaces such as shoes and is very stable in the environment.
The RHDV2 vaccine contains no live virus and will not cause disease in vaccinated rabbits. In preliminary studies, the vaccine proved highly effective in preventing disease with minimal adverse effects, including swelling at the injection site. The vaccine series consists of the initial vaccine and a booster shot 3 weeks after the initial dose. Immunity is protective 2 weeks after the second vaccine dose.
To schedule a vaccine appointment, please email ExoticsCoordinator@amcny.org with “Rabbit Vaccine” in the subject line, or call us at 212-329-8084, Tuesday-Saturday and ask to speak with the Exotics Service Coordinator to schedule. New clients must schedule a physical examination for their pet rabbit before the vaccine can be scheduled. Additional dates of vaccine clinics will be scheduled in the near future.
Additional Resources on Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
For additional information on Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, please view the PDFs below.
Fact Sheet: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
Source: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease: Help Prevent This Threat to New York’s Rabbits & Hares
Source: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation