
Spaying & Neutering in Cats

Three veterinary professionals treat a cat
Spaying and neutering are sterilization procedures which prevent a pet’s ability to reproduce. “Spay” is the colloquial term for the surgical removal of female reproductive organs and “neuter” is the colloquial term for the removal of male reproductive organs. Kittens are most commonly spayed or neutered as a routine measure to prevent future pregnancies and the development of certain diseases. Spaying and neutering help to save approximately 4 million pet lives each year (the number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters across the US). Spaying and neutering are highly recommended unless your cat is to be used for breeding. Sometimes, spaying or neutering is a treatment for certain diseases and conditions. For example, unspayed females can develop a life-threatening uterine infection called pyometra that requires emergency surgery to remove the uterus. Males with testicular diseases or injuries, such as testicular torsion or testicular cancer, may also require the removal of their testicles for treatment. An enlarged prostate or a prostatic infection are treated by neutering as well.

Spaying & Neutering in Dogs

Dr. Heather Brausa holding patient
Spaying and neutering are sterilization procedures which prevent a pet’s ability to reproduce. “Spay” is the colloquial term for the surgical removal of female reproductive organs and “neuter” is the colloquial term for the removal of male reproductive organs. Puppies are most commonly spayed or neutered as a routine measure to prevent future pregnancies and the development of certain diseases. Spaying and neutering help to save approximately 4 million pet lives each year (the number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters across the US). Spaying and neutering are highly recommended unless your dog is to be used for breeding. Sometimes, spaying or neutering is a treatment for certain diseases and conditions. For example, unspayed females can develop a life-threatening uterine infection called pyometra that requires emergency surgery to remove the uterus. Males with testicular diseases or injuries, such as testicular torsion or testicular cancer, may also require the removal of their testicles for treatment. An enlarged prostate or a prostatic infection are treated by neutering as well.


Pyometra is a serious bacterial infection of the uterus that occurs most often in older, intact (unspayed) female dogs and cats. The most common bacterium identified in pyometra is E. coli, which typically originates in the feces and ascends through the vagina into the uterus. The infection tends to occur about a month after the dog or cat has been in heat. If unrecognized and untreated, pyometra can lead to a systemic infection or blood poisoning. Pyometra is often described as being “open” or “closed.” With “open” pyometra, the cervix (the part of the uterus that connects with the vagina) is open, allowing the fluid that forms in the uterus due to the infection to drain out of the body through the vagina. With “closed” pyometra, where the cervix is closed, the fluid in the uterus cannot drain through the vagina. Instead, it builds up, stretching the uterine walls and potentially causing the the uterus to rupture. If this occurs, the infection may spread throughout the abdomen leading to shock and, potentially, death. X-ray showing pyometra in a dog X-ray showing pyometra in a cat

Bite Prevention

More than 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs each year. Nearly 1 in 5 of those bitten will require medical attention, with children being the most common victims. Any dog, no matter the breed, size, age, or sex, can bite. In fact, it’s very common for young children to be bitten by a dog that they are familiar with. The good news, however, is that most dog bites are preventable.

Ear Infections: Causes and Treatments

shaggy dog scratching ear
Ear infections are a relatively common condition in dogs and cats and occur in all age groups. In a study drawing information from nearly 1 million dogs in the UK, 7% of dogs experienced an ear infection annually. The typical ear infection causes inflammation of the ear canal, the tube that carries sound to the eardrum. This inflammation is known as otitis externa because it affects the outer ear. Otitis media and otitis interna affect the middle and inner ear respectively. Middle and inner ear infections are much more serious conditions that can ultimately lead to neurologic signs such as a head tilt or dizziness and loss of hearing. Otitis externa can have multiple causes, including allergies, bacteria, yeast, parasites (such as ear mites), or foreign bodies.