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Christmas Tree Pet Safety

Updated: 12/12/22


As fun and festive as the holiday season may be, it can be a confusing and dangerous time for our pets. Decorations pose unique risks and that includes Christmas trees.

If your celebration includes setting up a tree, be sure to take precautions to keep pets safe. Here are 8 tree-trimming tips to keep in mind:

8 Ways to Pet-proof Your Christmas Tree

  1. Opt for plastic or wooden ornaments instead of glass, which can break and cause injury.
  2. Avoid using edible decorations to reduce temptation.
  3. Toss out the tinsel — it can cause severe damage to your pet’s intestinal tract if ingested.
  4. String lights and power cords can cause oral burns and electric shock if chewed. Hang them near the top of the tree or skip them altogether.
  5. Anchor your tree to the wall or ceiling to prevent pets from knocking it over.
  6. Sweep up pine needles, which can cause GI upset or a foreign body obstruction if too many are swallowed.
  7. Cover up the tree stand to prevent pets from drinking the water, which can contain pesticides, fertilizer, or bacteria.
  8. Don’t put wrapped gifts under the tree, especially if there’s food inside. Keep presents in a safe place until it’s time to open them.

8 ways to pet-proof a christmas tree

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