AMC Mourns the Loss of Dr. Michael Garvey

We are very sad to inform you of the passing of Dr. Michael Garvey on Monday, January 6, 2020, after a long illness. Dr. Garvey’s career at the Animal Medical Center spanned over 30 years from the late 1970s until 2007. Dr. Garvey was instrumental in propelling the AMC to the forefront of veterinary medicine throughout the 1980s and 1990s. He helped to shape the careers of hundreds of veterinarians and technicians who have trained and worked at the AMC.
Dr. Garvey grew up in Chicago and graduated from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 1974. After a year in private practice in the Chicago area, he moved to New York City to complete a Rotating Internship followed by a Residency in Internal Medicine at The Animal Medical Center. After his residency, Dr. Garvey returned to private practice in the Chicago area. In 1981, Dr. Garvey returned to the AMC as Chairman of the Department of Medicine, a position he held until 1997. In 1997, Dr. Garvey was named Director of The E. & M. Bobst Hospital of the AMC and Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, positions he held until he retired in 2007. Dr. Garvey was Board Certified in both Veterinary Internal Medicine and Veterinary Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
Dr. Garvey received many professional awards during his career, including the AMC President’s Award for Outstanding Intern, Award of Merit from the Veterinary Medical Association of New York City, Distinguished Leadership Award, Clinical Faculty Achievement Award, and Outstanding Service Awards from both the New York City and New York State Veterinary Associations, awards from the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the St. Louis, Missouri Police Department for his care of the Search and Rescue Dogs at the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster site. He was appointed New York Police Department Veterinarian for his 9/11 World Trade Center service. He served as president of ACVIM, vice-president of the ACVECC, president of the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians, and president of the Society for International Veterinary Symposia. Dr. Garvey served as the only veterinarian on the New York City Task Force on Biological Terrorism. In 2009, he received the ACVIM Distinguished Service Award for outstanding and dedicated service to the college, in a volunteer capacity.
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