Emergency and First Aid Kit Checklist
If recent events have taught us anything, it is to expect the unexpected — and to be as prepared as possible. The best way to protect your pets is to include them in your family’s emergency plan. Here is a checklist to help you get started.
Pet Emergency Kit Checklist
Category: Food & Water
- 7-day supply of food in an airtight container
- 3-day supply of water
- Bowls, liquid dish soap, manual can opener
Category: Medication
- At least a 2-week supply of medications
- Dosage and administration instructions
Category: Documents (keep in a waterproof bag)
- Microchip and license information
- Veterinary records with vaccination history
- Emergency contact list, including your veterinarian
- Photo of your pet (preferably with you)
Category: Travel supplies
- Carrier or crate with your contact information
- Extra collar/harness with ID tags and leash
- Portable litter box and litter (for cats)
- Favorite toys, travel bed
Category: First aid materials
- Antibiotic ointment
- Adhesive tape, scissors, disposable gloves
- Non-stick bandage/wrap
- Absorbent gauze pads
- Saline solution
- Instant cold pack
- Towels and a blanket
- Fast-acting digital thermometer
- Styptic powder (stops minor bleeding)
- Muzzle