How to Make Your Cat Happy

How to Make Your Cat Happy
How can you make sure you’re providing the best possible environment and care for your cat? On January 18th, 2023, Dr. Mikel Delgado, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Cat Behavior Consultant, taught the science of a happy cat. Learn all about common cat behaviors, how to meet your cat’s physical and emotional needs, and how to create a healthy and engaging home environment to ensure your cat is the happiest they can be.
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Mikel Delgado, PhD
Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Cat Behavior Consultant who has been working with cats professionally for over 20 years. She worked as a cat behavior specialist at the San Francisco SPCA for eight years before co-founding Feline Minds, where she offers assistance for cat owners, animal shelters, and corporations.
Mikel completed her PhD in animal behavior and cognition at UC Berkeley, and was a postdoc at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, where she researched the social and feeding behaviors of cats and the health and behavior of orphaned neonatal kittens. She is author of the forthcoming book “Play with Your Cat!” (2024, Tarcher/Perigree) and co-authored the 2017 book “Total Cat Mojo,” with Jackson Galaxy.