Effects of Dr. Buzby’s Toe Grips® on lameness scores and cleitn specific outcome measures after canine tibial plateau-leveling osteotomy to treat ruptured anterior cruciate ligament


Dogs who require surgery to repair a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament may develop lameness. A commercial device called Toe Grips placed on the nails is intended to reduce lameness, yet the benefit of this has not yet been demonstrated.


To be eligible for this study, dogs must meet several criteria:

  • Be 2-8 years old and weigh 15-45kg
  • Undergo TPLO surgery for ruptured anterior ligament in the knee
  • Cannot have concurrent orthopedic or serious medical diseases

For more information about this study or to enquire about eligibility, please contact Dr. Jennifer Repac at 212-329-8800 or email rehab.team@amcny.org.

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