Amazing AMC to the Rescue Success Stories

Amazing AMC to the Rescue Success Stories
The Animal Medical Center has several Community Funds that provide financial support to pet families in need. AMC to the Rescue is one of those Community Funds, but it’s different than the others because it supports animals in foster care hoping for a forever home. Pets receiving an AMC to the Rescue grant must have a medical condition than can be corrected by an AMC specialist, thus removing the barrier to their adoption. Since its inception in 2013, AMC to the Rescue has raised over a million dollars which and treated more than 400 different recipients. Since this week is National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week, I thought I would share some of the wonderful stories about AMC to the Rescue patients.
An Eyelid Transplant for a Sweet Cat
Finn, a cat cared for by Timber’s Legacy (picture above), was referred to AMC to the Rescue because his eyelids had not formed normally. This congenital disorder is called eyelid agenesis. Without the hairless rim on the eyelids, the eyelid fur rubs against the eye causing pain. Cats with eyelid agenesis typically squint and have difficulty seeing because the pain keeps their eyes closed. AMC to the Rescue has funded a number of successful eyelid repairs over the years. Finn was no exception. AMC’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Sandra van der Woerdt, performed the delicate surgery to transplant small pieces of hairless lip margin to the eyelids serving as a replacement for the missing lid margins. Finn now has his eyes wide open!
Here is a Christmas story about another cat treated for the same problem through AMC to the Rescue.
Straightening a Crooked Paw
Stella is a young dog rescued by Ruff House Rescue. Stella ended up homeless with a chronic left wrist fracture that healed poorly. Her left front paw jutted out to one side. AMC surgeon, Dr. Pamela Schwartz, repaired the abnormal position of the paw by removing a wedge of bone and securing the pieces of remaining bone together using a stainless-steel plate. Stella’s foster family became so attached to her that they made her a permanent family member.

Collaborative Care to Correct Nasopharyngeal Stenosis

Lady Ben from Little Wanderers suffered from severe upper respiratory congestion and a terrible runny nose. After an Internal Medicine evaluation and a CT scan, AMC’s Dr. Jennifer Slovak diagnosed Lady Ben with nasopharyngeal stenosis, a narrowing in the back of the throat. Lady Ben was referred to AMC’s Interventional Radiology team who placed a temporary stent to open up the back of her throat. Once the area healed, the stent was removed, and Lady Ben found her forever home thanks to AMC to the Rescue and Little Wanderers.
In recognition of National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation week, we’re asking our supporters to help us save more lives by contributing to our AMC to the Rescue Fund. Our goal is to raise $25,000 by Saturday, November 7th. Your support today will help pets like Lady Ben, Stella and Finn– who all underwent life transforming treatment at AMC to find a loving and fur-ever home.